Blogify: A blog app for devsWrite your blogs in Markdown, just as you do on your GitHub

Easily create and manage your blog posts with Markdown. Enjoy the simplicity of writing and the power of GitHub-like formatting!

Blogify Markdown

How it works?

Its easy. Just follow these steps to write your blog.

1. Clone the repository:

git clone

2. Create a new branch that contains your GitHub username:

git checkout -b <githubUsername-your-branch-name>

3. Navigate to the content/ folder:

cd content/

4. Create or edit a Markdown file (.md):

touch <>

5. Add your content in the file and save it.


Your .md file should contain fields like these initially(starting from line 1):

title: Title of your blog
slug: your-file-name (without .md extension)
date: Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
author: Author's name
description: A small description of your blog
image: cover image if any

<Your Markdown content here>

For example:

title: Intro to Tailwind CSS
slug: intro-to-tailwind-css
date: 2024-08-27
author: Pranav Arora
description: A beginner's guide to Tailwind CSS, covering its utility-first approach and how to get started with this powerful framework.

About Tailwind CSS...

6. Stage and commit your changes:

git add content/<>git commit -m ‘Add new content’

7. Push the changes to your branch:

git push origin your-branch-name

8. After pushing, create a Pull Request on GitHub to merge your changes.

🎉 Once its merged, you can view your blog listed in Blogs

Use Case

Blogify can be used in organizations where teams want to share valuable findings, bug fixes, and more. For example:

After a developer identifies an issue and documents it in a blog post, the team lead can review and merge the changes. Once the blog is created, employees from other teams or the same team can search for that issue, read the post, and implement the fix in their projects.

This process encourages knowledge sharing, reduces redundancy, and ensures that solutions to common problems are easily accessible to everyone in the organization.